Video footage is rare my friend.
As soon as the cameras are set up and running, things just don't seem to happen in the same way.
Go figure - its almost as if "they know".
google has a lot of information on this.
it was brought to my attention by a member of my family.. any one have this experience?
your alone in your house, home, apt.and out of the corner of your eye you see something, someone, pass by like a shadow, very fast!
Video footage is rare my friend.
As soon as the cameras are set up and running, things just don't seem to happen in the same way.
Go figure - its almost as if "they know".
jehovah's witnesses calling at your door?
jehovah's witnesses belief system and why they go door to door.
in a time when Orwellian societies are nearly obsolete.
Well I don't agree there. I think the world is moving closer to George's vision - but there ya go.
Danny has a lot of pain to move away from.
google has a lot of information on this.
it was brought to my attention by a member of my family.. any one have this experience?
your alone in your house, home, apt.and out of the corner of your eye you see something, someone, pass by like a shadow, very fast!
A friend of mine and his girlfriend get this often.
You get the picture - but shush, don't talk about this too loudly there are sceptics about.
well it wont be long now till i no longer have to put up with this riddicule, i somtimes ask myself why is it that people have to have a go at somthing somone posts, instead of just reading it and moving on, ive been watching brown boy's posting on this page which i thought was interesting.
brown boy is saying the same year though a different month and if im a crazy freek he must also be a freek, i dont think he is but hes saying hes the faithful and discreet slave.
so i would like to suggest that you re open my posting and let me continue my line or show your true colours [being that if you dont like it then it aint seen] and stand your ground, or is there no such thing as free speech.
are you scared of what im saying, is it starting to feel like you've read somthing and want to hide from it, as people do
Are you scared? ...or are you so far up your own backside that you fail to see how judgemental you sound?
Does your God always want submission through fear?
I used to see things that way as well - now I don't, and feel better for it.
that was the talk yesterday.
the speaker started by asking for a "show of hands" of who thought the end was very near?
i was sitting in the back row and believe i was the only one who didn't raise my hand.
It wasn't until later in life that I figured out it was a fear tactic to keep us brainwashed and in line.
I think you may just have a point there
It's easier to propagate fear than love.
Fear controls the weak.
... I should know, I am having problems getting my legs to take me to the dentists at the moment due to excessive fear! I am weak and a very, very sick man
i just spent 5 days down in devon in the south west of england and had a fantastic time unwinding and seeing my 2 nans, catching up with my cousins, having a couple of beers in a pub with my extended family the other side of the country.
it was fantastic to see them all again.
i'm a sucker for being made a fuss of.
Go to bed with a book - end up dribbling on the pillow and then hope to wake up feeling better.
You seem to be developing quite a theme there Irongland - your avatar & that piccy look as though they are related
Do you spend many hours raking the net for open mouthed shots?
they have alot of info on it, it is supposed to be very good for variety of medical problems it even raises your hdl..
Good old Google
Why is HDL cholesterol considered "good"?About one-third to one-fourth of blood cholesterol is carried by high-density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL cholesterol is known as the "good" cholesterol because a high level of it seems to protect against heart attack. (Low HDL cholesterol levels [less than 40 mg/dL] increase the risk for heart disease.) Medical experts think that HDL tends to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver, where it's passed from the body. Some experts believe that HDL removes excess cholesterol from plaque in arteries, thus slowing the buildup.
1 corinthians 11:14 says: does not nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him;
I think ancient Jews would have had their hair rather full; helping complement the beard look! I have a book with illustrations of stone carvings depicted within and many ancient males had hair cut either at shoulder level or cut just above.
Those pesky Romans & Greeks probably influenced men - thus the short hair cut and silly shaving ritual.
That reminds me, I must get my mop of hair sorted out
i downloaded a ton of 'the teaching company' lectures on the formation of christianity and the gnostics, and have been reading books on the creation of the bible for the past six months or so.
if you havent looked into this stuff already, i'm telling ya it is some really facinating stuff.
are you at all like me and have become more interested in the bible since realizing it isn't inspired??
Some say that the Bible cannot possibly be the "inspired word of God" if it contains any imperfections or if it is not easily able to be fully understood by any and all of its readers. However, I disagree. For I believe the Bible itself clearly indicates that it was deliberately written in a way that would allow those who prefer to reject its contents the opportunity to do so. (Matt. 13:11-16)
I think if you read the scripture quoted, you'll get the general idea
It depends if one believes God speaks to the heart through scripture. If ones heart is hardened by selfish intent, for instance, the theory is that the message of truth will simply not penetrate far enough to be understood.
I am assuming this is what you mean "a christian" ?